
Re: Who uses amanda?

2003-03-12 10:01:03
Subject: Re: Who uses amanda?
From: Matt Hyclak <hyclak AT math.ohiou DOT edu>
To: "Dr. David Kirkby" <davek AT DOT uk>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 08:15:47 -0500
On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 11:59:45AM +0000, Dr. David Kirkby enlightened us:
> Can anyone tell me if they use amanda and are a large commercial company
> (> 250 employees), a hospital or a university and if so how much it's
> used (whole institution, small department, single server etc). How many
> Gb do you back up (don't answer that if you feel its confidential, or
> you don't know). 


We used amanda at my previous job in a small department at Ohio State
University (Linguistics). We had about 20 faculty and 80 grad students.
Amanda was used to backup the 2 servers, 20 or so Sun workstations, and a
handful of faculty PCs running windows. I can't remember exactly how much
data we backed up, but I believe it was about 80-90GB for a full dump of all
the DLEs which we archived after every academic quarter.

I am presently in the process of setting up amanda in a slightly larger
department at Ohio University (Mathematics). I expect the numbers to be
about the same, and may look into backing up all of our faculty computers. 

I also use amanda at home, and would trust it with the most critical of
data. The big selling point there is that you don't need amanda to recover
data from a tape...just dd, tar, and dump. 

Hope that helps,

Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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