
Re: Trivial question - No Flames please

2002-09-02 00:40:52
Subject: Re: Trivial question - No Flames please
From: "Brandon D. Valentine" <bandix AT structbio.vanderbilt DOT edu>
To: "Potts, Ross A." <RPOTTS AT northropgrumman DOT com>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2002 23:30:02 -0500
On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, Potts, Ross A. wrote:

>I think I have been looking in all the wrong places.  What size is a 112
>Meter  8mm tape with and without compression?  I just inherited a butt-load
>of them and decided to use them for daily incrementals (nothing above 500 MB
>a day)

Which 8mm format?  AIT?  Exabyte?  More information is needed.  Also,
I'm willing to bet quite a bit that this is a fairly easy piece of
information to locate yourself on Google.

Brandon D. Valentine <bandix AT structbio.vanderbilt DOT edu>
Computer Geek, Center for Structural Biology

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