
Re: tapetype for dell powervault 100T DDS4 drive - using 150m Fuji ta pe

2002-08-13 05:46:59
Subject: Re: tapetype for dell powervault 100T DDS4 drive - using 150m Fuji ta pe
From: Christoph Scheeder <christoph.scheeder AT scheeder DOT de>
To: Kevin Passey <kpassey AT DOT uk>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:32:30 +0200
your assumptions below are correct,
but the size of your tapetype is a little of of what it should be...
a DDS-4 drive with 150m tapes is supposed to hold about 20GB of data.
the values tapetype reports makes me beleave your tapedrive is
using hardware-compression.
This is bad/a no-no for tapetype.
Tapetype writes random data to the tape to mesure the raw capacity.
if you try to compress that data, it will become bigger, and
tapetype will hit eot much earlier then without compression.
By the way, amanda likes to have control over compression, so it's
a good idea to switch hardwarecompression completly of for drives
used by amanda.

Kevin Passey wrote:


I have just run tapetype for the above drive - it looks like this.

./tapetype -f /dev/nst0
wrote 530067 32kb blocks in 1621 files in 7441 seconds (short write)
wrote 530076 32kb blocks in 3252 files in 7408 seconds (short write)

define tapetype unknown-tapetype {
    comment "just produced by tapetype program"
    length 16564 mbytes
    filemark 0 kbytes
    speed 2284 kps

I have used a 150m DG4-150 Fujifilm 4mm tape.

I presume I just include this code in the amanda.conf file.

One question I need help on - does it matter that the tapetype is un-known -
or can I just include it like this:-

define tapetype PV100T-DDS4 {
    comment "PowerVault 100T DDS4"
    length 16564 mbytes
    filemark 0 kbytes
    speed 2284 kps

Thanks in advance

Kevin Passey