Re: TDP for SQL copygroup

2004-01-21 10:00:03
Subject: Re: TDP for SQL copygroup
From: Del Hoobler <hoobler AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 09:59:33 -0500
You could create a new domain or you could just create
separate management classes to meet your needs and use
the INCLUDE option to bind those objects to the
specific management class.

In general, take a look at the book where it discusses
policy recommendations:

  Because log and set objects are always uniquely named, they do not
  participate in expirations due to version limit. However, Data
  for SQL inactivates all backup objects for a SQL database not otherwise
  inactivated whenever a new full database backup of that SQL database is
  performed. Therefore, the retention period defined through the retain
  version parameter controls the expiration of log and set backups. There
  will never be more than one version of a log or set object.

  - When selecting the retain only value for log backups, ensure that it
is at
    least as long as the value for the backup objects the logs are
    with. You may use the same management class for log backups and the
    backup objects that are retained the longest to be sure you use an
    adequate value.

Many customers make the copygroup settings based upon time
and not number of versions. And so, if they want to keep
all backups for 30 days, they have settings something like this:

  VEREXISTS    Unlimited
  VERDELETED   Unlimited
  RETEXTRA     30
  RETONLY      30




> I need to know information on how to set copygroup parameter for
> taking server log hourly and full db backup everyday.
> should I create different domain for tdp-sql node or
> should I create different mgmt class in same domain.

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