TCP/IP Socket Error

2003-07-09 11:19:02
Subject: TCP/IP Socket Error
From: Joni Moyer <joni.moyer AT HIGHMARK DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 11:18:28 -0400
Hello Everyone!

I had an issue I had posted a little while ago with the following message:

ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket = 5, errno = 131, reason : 'Connection
reset by peer'.

Here is what I have done so far.  Changed mpthreading to no which was
supports suggestion.

I have also increased the TSM servers idletimeout to 90 minutes, which had
been 60 minutes.  Are there any suggestions as to what this parameter
should be on a tsm server on the mainframe?

There are no other messages in the error log on the clients other than the
above message.  I was wondering, for a SUN Solaris client, what the
tcpwindowsize should be?  I have looked in the performance tuning guide and
it states at the beginning of the client section that it should be 64.
Should this number be increased to improve backup/archives?

When I looked in the activity log on the TSM server which is on os/390 2.10
at level, the only thing I could see was that a session ended for
the client in question.  Then seconds later another session started and
within 2 minutes it ended and a majority of the time it backed up at least
6GB if not more, so I am going to assume that it just continued where it
had left off and then finished its backup.  From my point of view this
appears to be a client issue because I cannot find anything in the activity
log that states otherwise.

Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated!  Thanks!

Joni Moyer
Systems Programmer
joni.moyer AT highmark DOT com

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