Re: select to compare filespace usage with backup storage used

2003-06-09 20:19:57
Subject: Re: select to compare filespace usage with backup storage used
From: "Mr. Lindsay Morris" <lmorris AT SERVERGRAPH DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 20:04:52 -0400
Servergraph takes a hog_factor reading daily (along with other readings) -
for each client node, it's:
        total GB used in all primary storage pools
                divided by
        total GB used on the client's hard disk

We get this from q filespace and q occ f=d (basically),
and then doing some crunching on the data.  Your query
might be simpler if you can use "q auditocc" - but we can't
depend on that, because some people may not run
the audit license command frequently enough to keep it

It's always fascinating to see a new site's list of clients,
sorted by hog_factor, with one or two at the top in the hundreds -
i.e., the client uses a hundred times more space in TSM than it owns

Often this is due to unnecessary archiving, or TDP agent failing to
delete old backups.

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect
512-482-6138 ext 105

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU]On Behalf Of
> Steve Bennett
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 6:41 PM
> Subject: select to compare filespace usage with backup storage used
> TSMers,
> I was thinking about trying to write a select that would let me compare
> a clients known filespace usage (q file) with the amount of TSM backup
> storage used by the client (q occ). Such a select could give us a %
> number that we could use to estimate a clients storage needs before it
> is actually registered and backed up. Of course the % would be highly
> dependent upon policies, etc. but would be a good starting point for
> clients using our standard policy set and management classes.
> Not wanting to unnecessarily beat myself up, have any of you written
> such a select and would you be willing to share your code and/or ideas?
> --
> Steve Bennett, (907) 465-5783
> State of Alaska, Information Technology Group, Technical Services
> Section

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