Re: groupid change creates a modified file copy

2003-02-07 12:34:27
Subject: Re: groupid change creates a modified file copy
From: "Stapleton, Mark" <stapleto AT BERBEE DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 11:33:52 -0600
From: Alexander Lazarevich [mailto:alazarev AT ITG.UIUC DOT EDU] 
> 3) If we change a group id of a file, then the server backs 
> up this "modified" file as a modifed copy, thus having 2 
> copies of the file on tape, one copy owned by each group.
> 4) Is there any way to turn off this function so that a 
> change in the group id does NOT create a mocified backup copy?

TSM does not include a feature to cripple its primary function--backing
up modified files.

Rather than change the group ID, why not modify the aspects of the
existing ID? This would be easier than going through directory after
directory and modifying files, and it would alleviate the need for a
large backup.

Mark Stapleton (stapleton AT berbee DOT com)

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