Re: System hung - bad disk - not switching to mirror

2003-01-02 13:35:20
Subject: Re: System hung - bad disk - not switching to mirror
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 13:34:46 -0500
>We are running of TSM on an AIX 4.3.3 system.  We seem to be having
>a problem with a disk where part of our TSM database is.  The database is
>mirrored and it was my understanding that if you lose a DB volume it should
>automatically switch to the mirrored copy and continue to run.  Right now
>everything is hosed and we can't log in to the server.  The machine is up
>and running.  I have a call into support with a severity 1, but was hoping
>for some ideas of what to try while I wait for the call back from
>support.  I haven't tried to kill the server process yet.  If I restart the
>server, should it pick up the mirrored copy then?

Yes, TSM should proceed with the mirror - no restarting.  The natural question
that is popping into everyone's mind is: Where is the mirror volume?  If on the
same disk, then hosed=yes.  If not, then you may be having more widespread disk
problems than you think - and more likely of the type beyond being a "bad disk",
to something like a loose SCSI chain cable or faulty adapter board, in which
case the disks should be fine.  It sounds like the area to concentrate in is the
AIX environment, where your AIX techies should do the 'errpt -a' and other
diagnostics to figure out just what the problems are and how to check on their
nature.  If TSM is stuck, other things on that AIX system may be mired on the

  Richard Sims, BU