Re: Slow tape to tape performance...

2002-12-24 17:48:05
Subject: Re: Slow tape to tape performance...
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 17:47:26 -0500
>I am getting agonizingly slow (~1GB/hr) performance on tape to tape copies
>(such as during reclamations).

What experiments have you performed to try to narrow down the problem?
What results do you see in an experiment where data is copied between the
same two tape drives outside of TSM?
Given the cost of FC adapters, is it the case that you have one, and
you are seeing "tidal action" as drive-to-drive copies are performed?
As Kelly suggested, the driver level for the FC adapter may greatly
affect performance.  I presume that you are seeing this performance
problem with all tapes?  Marginal tape samples can result in a lot of
retries, and degraded performance.  Don't overlook microcode level on
the drives: some mc levels are bow-wows.

  Richard Sims, BU

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