Delete a specific backup

2002-08-13 10:43:11
Subject: Delete a specific backup
From: Christian Astuni <astuni AT AR.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:40:10 -0300
Hi ... people !!! I have two question ....
1.- There are any way to delete a specific backup of one day or one week ?
I running a incremental backups since Monday to Thursday, and archive on
Friday. I want to delete all backups of a specific week. Do any people know
how do this ?

2.- As I told ... a run backups every weeks, and every Monday I need to
send offsite a group of tapes that I used in the last week. Is possible do
I try to put the tape in status offsite, but I receive an error, that the
tape "is not belong a copy storage pool"
There are another way, because I stay a tape in normal status, this can be
required in any time and I don't have this tapes.

Thank You very much for your time.
Best Regards.

Christian Astuni
IBM Global Services
astuni AT DOT com
Tel. 4898-4621
Hipolito Yrigoyen 2149  - Martínez (1640) Bs. As. - Argentina

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