Re: Another TSM mystery...

2002-06-17 17:17:02
Subject: Re: Another TSM mystery...
From: "Wayne T. Smith" <ADSM AT MAINE DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 17:14:54 -0400
"Hunley, Ike" <Ike.Hunley AT BCBSFL DOT COM> wrote, in part..
> The TSM server received this message 2 weeks ago, last week and
> today.... ANR0424W Session 39912 for node HOC0843P12 (TDP Infmx AIX42)
> refused - invalid ANR0424W password submitted.
> How does a perfectly good password, suddenly invalid(no one made changes
> they cared to admit to...)? What would make a non-expired password
> expire?

What makes you think the backup server password expired or changed?  Is
it possible that some machine somewhere is trying to signon with that
node name and an (old) invalid password?

cheers, wayne

Wayne T. Smith                          ADSM AT Maine DOT edu
ADSM Technical Coordinator - UNET       University of Maine System
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