Re: ADSM sees 'readwrite' as 'offsite'

2002-03-20 19:43:55
Subject: Re: ADSM sees 'readwrite' as 'offsite'
From: Nicholas Cassimatis <nickpc AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:41:20 -0500
If you do a "q vol volser f=d" does it still have a location of "Vault"?
I'm guessing it does.  ADSM thinks that the volume is still in the vault,
and won't access it.  You need to do a "move drm" to bring the tape back.

It looks like you're reclaiming the volume.  If you set the reclamation
threshold on your offsite pool, ADSM will handle that for you, then you
bring the empty tapes back onsite (with the move drm command), and check
them back in as scratch.  Letting ADSM do the work will save you some time
and headaches.

Nick Cassimatis
nickpc AT DOT com

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