Re: Restore with 2 or more drives at the same time ???

2001-10-10 12:55:10
Subject: Re: Restore with 2 or more drives at the same time ???
From: "Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)" <cookde AT BP DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 11:50:22 -0500
Well, as long as the data is on more than one tape...
You can fire off multiple dsmc restore processes over on your client, just
have to break down the requests...
example, in a unix environment if you have the user directories JIM BOB
SUZIE & CARL down under /home you could do
dsmc restore /home/JIM/*
dsmc restore /home/BOB/*
dsmc restore /home/SUZIE/*
dsmc restore /home/CARL/*
all in individual window (or nohup them & push them into the background)
same goes for windows type environments but you will have to open multiple
windows on the machine...

hope this helps...