TSM error

2000-11-15 05:35:03
Subject: TSM error
From: Henrik Ursin <Henrik.Ursin AT UNI-C DOT DK>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 11:34:32 +0100
Please help!

Running a backup on an aix box with an adsm 3.1 client we keep getting the
following error and the backup of the filesystem stops/failes

11/15/00   09:58:21 TransErrno: Unexpected error from lstat, errno = 4
11/15/00   09:58:25 PrivIncrFileSpace: Received rc=131 from
fioGetDirEntries:  /home4  /chroot/uv8b74ca/usr/share/lib/terminfo
11/15/00   09:58:29 ANS1028S Internal program error.  Please see your
service representative.

Does anyone know what is happening?

Med venlig hilsen / Regards

Henrik Ursin            Tlf./Phone +45 35878934
                        Fax        +45 35878990
                        Email henrik.ursin AT uni-c DOT dk
                        Mail: UNI-C
                              DTU, bygning 304
                              DK-2800 Lyngby

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