Exclude list in options file

2000-07-18 04:40:13
Subject: Exclude list in options file
From: Moodley Desigan * Datavia <DesiganM AT DATAVIA.CO DOT ZA>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 10:40:13 +0200
Hello *SMers

We recently had to do a restore for a WIN NT 4.0 machine. The client wanted
his c:\winnt\system32\config restored, but we could not comply with his
request since the following lines appear in the dsm.opt for ADSM client
Exclude *:\...\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\*.*
Exclude *:\...\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\...\*
Can anyone give me possible reasons for these lines appearing in the options

Thanks in advance,
Desigan Moodley
Transnet Datavia
South Africa
* DesiganM AT DOT za <mailto:DesiganM AT DOT za>
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