A new problem

1999-12-28 16:03:02
Subject: A new problem
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 15:03:02 -0600

As promised in a previous post, I've checked and re-checked the NT registry
in hopes of finding the culprit/problem for the 3.7.1 client condition shown
below. No such luck --- everything was as it should be. So, after some
grumbling, I deinstalled and then reinstalled the TSM 3.7.1 NT client. So
far, so good.

BBBUUUUTTTT, a client came to me yesterday with a similar problem, this time
on an HP client running ADSM (OK, maybe not as catastrophic looking
as the one from the NT client, but disturbing to the user nonetheless). In
the DSMERROR.LOG, on a daily basis, he receives the following error:

12/26/1999 12:10:49 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'NIGHTLY' failed.  Return code
= 4.
12/26/1999 23:08:04 TransErrno: Unexpected error from read, errno = 6
12/26/1999 23:08:04 ANS1028S Internal program error.  Please see your
service re
12/27/1999 12:26:07 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'NIGHTLY' failed.  Return code
= 4.
12/27/1999 23:12:00 TransErrno: Unexpected error from read, errno = 6
12/27/1999 23:12:00 ANS1028S Internal program error.  Please see your
service re

Again, the backup appears to be complete and correct each night; the run
stats are consistent with a good backup. There are no objects failing
according to the run stats, and there are no messages in the DSMERROR.LOG or
in the DSMSCHED.LOG to indicate that something unusual has occurred during
the backup, including network hiccups --- nothing at all wrong except that
each backup reports as "FAILED" in the server scheduler event log, and in
the client DSMERROR.LOG. I have the systems administrator checking to
determine whether something OS-related is happening (and is somehow going
underneath ADSM's radar), but so far we're coming up with nothing except a
puzzling message. AND despite having VERBOSE defaulted in the DSM.SYS file,
there's nothing being reported to the error log that looks unusual (and yes,
there are messages being posted to that file). My next thing is turn some
tracing on, but I thought I'd check with the ADSM/TSM community first.

Has anyone else seen this before on an HP client? Any ideas out there?


Cindy Cannam

Cynthia L. (Cindy) Cannam, MBA
SWBT Systems Manager/ADSM Technical Support
(314)340-0722 office
(314)879-1696 pager
(314)340-0992 fax
Nearly Native Floridian Freezing in the Midwest...

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