/DUMPDB /LOADDB Perfomrnace Experinece

1998-11-26 17:21:28
Subject: /DUMPDB /LOADDB Perfomrnace Experinece
From: buser andreas <andreas.buser AT BASLER DOT CH>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 17:21:28 -0500
On a Test-System I testet Disaster Recovery with  ADSM 3.1.2 Server for
OS/390 Rel 2.4

-The Tests are done with a copy of our production ADSM-DB of 6GB used at

-HW IBM 9672 R24 and HDS 7700E Disks (Raid 5 with cache and everything

-ADSM can use and uses one whole processor, so CPU is not an impact.
-The Region(MEMORY) is set to 300MB
-The Region(MEMORY) is set to 300MB
1. /DUMPDB took about 30 Minutes. This is ok.
1. /DUMPDB took about 30 Minutes. This is ok.

2. /FORAMT 1 Log 3 DB-Files took 1.5 Minutes. This is ok.

3. /LOADDB takes hours!!! My first attept was canceled after 8 hours!!
   T H I S   I S   N O T   O K   A T   A L L!!!

We habe about 43 million database entries (according the /DUMPDB-Report)

The /LOADDB rate is at 100'000 Entries per minute this gives about 430
mintues or 7.16 hours.

But the more /LOADDB restores the slower the rate gets.

I estimate that the load will take 12-15 hours. (I will see this

DOES anyone have similar experiences, also on other platforms?

This is a insupportable condition. I can't explain to my users  and
managers why ADSM
is so slow in restoring such a little Database.

Does anyone know a solution ?

How do you backup your DATABASE?

Kind Regards
Andreas Buser

Tel:  ++41 61 285 73 21    Fax: ++41 61 285 70 70

Email: Andreas.Buser AT Basler DOT ch

Basler Versicherungsgesellschaft
Andreas Buser
Abt. Informatik
Aeschengraben 21
4002 Basel
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