labeling 3570 magstar tapes

1998-06-16 12:03:21
Subject: labeling 3570 magstar tapes
From: Dan Eldredge <dan AT HADES.DOT.STATE.AK DOT US>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 08:03:21 -0800
We have a 3575 library and after finding errors on a couple of tapes, I am
having trouble replacing them. (ADSM (AIX 4.2.1)

The dsmlabel command only accepts 6 characters and if I use it to label a
3570 tape with a barcode serial number of F1A3E0A with the last 6 as is
always shown by adsm 1A3E0A then the checkin command complains.

adsm> checkin libvol 3575lib 1a1194 status=scratch

06/15/1998 14:54:01  ANR8354E 022: Incorrect volume (1A1194) mounted in drive
                      3575DR3 (/dev/rmt3).
06/15/1998 14:54:10  ANR8786I 022: Remove 3570 volume from entry/exit port;
                      insert volume F1A1194 R/W into entry/exit port of library
                      3575LIB within 59 minute(s); issue 'REPLY' along with the
                      request ID when ready.

This is the procedure that worked on our 7331 library, does anyone know the
correct procedure for the 3575 lib?

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