Backing up 500 gb/ hour

1996-10-11 15:48:16
Subject: Backing up 500 gb/ hour
From: Brian Johnson <smbxj01 AT OSMF.BT.CO DOT UK>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 12:48:16 -0700
        Anyone heard about the Openvision press release,

        Apparently they are able to back up about 504 gigabytes
        of data, (oracle database) using their netbackup product.

        Sounds good, we use adsmpipe and get at most 10 gigabytes
        an hour at most, even if Openvision are being a bit
        optimistic, even 200 gb an hour sounds great.

        We will be attempting to backup 14 Tb databases next year
         it will take us a year to do!!!!

        Any plans to make ADSM fster would be great !!
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