Re: Can backuppool and spacemgpool migrate to the same tapepool?

1996-08-08 19:04:50
Subject: Re: Can backuppool and spacemgpool migrate to the same tapepool?
From: Francisco Reyes <reyes01 AT IBM DOT NET>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 19:04:50 -0400
On Wed, 7 Aug 1996 10:19:39 -0400, Eliza.Lau AT vt DOT edu wrote:

>I want to maintain just one tape storage pool and one copy pool.  Can disk
>backup pool, disk archive pool, and disk space management pool all migrate
>to the same tape pool?  What are the pros and cons?

If you have a lot of data (Gigs) having both on the same tape pool
will make
for slower restore times.

My recommendation is that you analyse what you may want to restore
quickly and
have a storage pool for those. The rest you could pile them up on a
tape pool if you wanted.
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