FW: Measure daily backuped data volume

1996-02-22 11:36:00
Subject: FW: Measure daily backuped data volume
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 1996 11:36:00 EST
Enable accounting on your ADSM server  ('SET ACCOUNTING ON').... This will
generate an accounting record (for MVS, an SMF type 42 subtype 14 record)
for each client session.

Tim Pittson
pittson1 AT bwmail1.hcc DOT com
From: owner-adsm-l
To: Multiple recipients of list ADSM-L
Subject: Measure daily backuped data volume
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 1996 9:56AM

The Computing Center of the university of Karlsruhe (Germany) intends

to measure the daily backuped data volume of each backup-archive-client.

We are interested in any automatic approach to this task.

Currently we intend to parse the dsmsched.log files of the

backup-archive-clients. This solution is nor elegant nor easy

to implement.

If anybody has an idea or comment on this please contact: kirsten AT nic DOT de

Thanks for your time and effort!

Best regards,

Kirsten Gloeer.


Kirsten Gloeer                  e-mail: kirsten AT nic DOT de

University of Karlsruhe         Phone:  +49 721 608-4037

Computing Center                Fax:    +49 721 373741

Zirkel 2

76128 Karlsruhe



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