Re: ADSM Tape Mangement-Reply

1996-01-17 03:52:07
Subject: Re: ADSM Tape Mangement-Reply
From: Heiko Andresen <andresen AT DRESDNERBANK DOT DE>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 09:52:07 +0100
> >Can you please let me know where the documentation is for this new feature
> >of ADSM for AIX Disaster Recovery Manager and what version.
> The following DRM information has been placed on the anonymous
> ftp server in the /adsm/info directory:
>   1. drmover.txt:  Contains a high level description of the DRM
>                    feature and explanation of the ship vehicles.
>   2. drminfo.txt:  Contains the following information:
>                    - Detailed description of the DRM features
>                    - Example of a disaster recovery plan file
>                    - Scenario demonstrating routine operations
>                      and a recovery scenario.
> Hope this helps... Greg

Is there a way to access these files via e-mail, 'cause I'm not allowed to use
ftp outside my internet-distributor. If not, would there be a kind soul to mail
it to me ?

   ***     Heiko Andresen            Internet: andresen AT dresdnerbank DOT de
   ***     Heiko Andresen            Internet: andresen AT dresdnerbank DOT de
  ** **    Dresdner Bank AG             Voice: ++49 69 263 10276
 **   **   OR Lokale Systeme              FAX: ++49 69 263 5062
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