Wierd Problem

1994-08-26 16:16:04
Subject: Wierd Problem
From: David Derk <derk AT VNET.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 13:16:04 PDT
>From:         Martha McConaghy <URMM%MARIST.BITNET AT DOT edu>
>Subject:      Wierd Problem
>One of my users is having a wierd problem using ADSM and I need some adice.
>At this point, I'm not sure its an ADSM problem or not.  Therefore, I'm
>reluctant to call it in as a problem until I more information.
>Here's the scoop: she is running OS/2 v2.0 with an unusual application amed
>Direct Talk2.  Its an IBM program which does text to voice conversion ec.
>If she runs ADSM after booting the machine, it runs with no problem, evn
>if DT2 has been started.  However, on second and subsequent tries, ADSM
>cannot access any files.  The dsmerror.log shows the following messages
>ANS4090E Access to the specified file or directory is denied
>filespace(0394): fsCheckAdd: unable to stat local filespace
>The output shows that 0 files were inspect, 0 backed up.
>I'm fairly certain that this has to do with something that DT2 is doing as
>I haven't seen this on any other machines.  However, I can't find any
>information on what "stat local filespace" means.  Any ideas on what cold
>be causing this?

Hello Martha,
    This sounds like a similar problem ADSM had with an earlier
version of PMSEEK.  PMSEEK is a applet shipped with the base
OS/2 2.0 system.  It appears that while the PMSEEK app was up
and running it had all the drives (C:, D: ect.) opened for write.
ADSM opens the drives to query the information of all the attached
filesystems therefore ADSM would fail.  Interestingly the OS/2 2.0
system command 'SYSLEVEL' also had a problem when PMSEEK was
running.  I believe PMSEEK was fixed in an OS/2 CSD.

     There was a way for ADSM to get around this problem so we
opened an APAR IC07633 (ADSM OS/2 2.0 client) and IC07509 (ADSM
OS/2 1.3 client).  The fix is included in the latest PTF
IP20178 (OS/2 2.0) and IP20178 (OS/2 1.3).  These PTFs are
currently available on the Anonymous FTP Server and if not
already should be available very soon through normal service
     please order this PTF.  I hope this solves your problem.

--David Derk--
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