"Your TSM password has expired" only on Web Client


Active Newcomer
Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score

UI have installed TSM BA client and API 6.2.0 on CentOS 5.5
Everything works fine from command line (dsmc) and client (dsmj)

But when I log on the web interface using http://<servername>:1581/baclient something odd happens.

First I am met with a login. I type the same password I have used for dsmc (my dsm.sys uses PASSWORDACCESS GENERATE)

Login seems fine but afterwords I am met with a dialog "Your TSM password has expired" and I am asked to change a password (3 field dialog with "existing", "new" and "retype new"
I have tried to type in the same existing password and twice a new password.

But the result is always a ANS2613S "A communication protocol error occured between the web browser and the client"

I went back to dsmc to test if the password was indeed expired but dsmc query session works fine

Any clue?

When you're using the web client, this is an admin password that is been asked, not the node password. That's why the "dsmc q se" is working fine while the password is of the associated admin has expired.

Please try to connect to TSM Server with this admin with node privilege, or try to use another admin with the node privilege to access this node with the web client.

Thanks a lot for the clarification

I had no idea about the difference of password. We use a hosted TSM and I am only dealing with the client side.

Let me understand correctly... for any given node there is a node passord and admin password?

I mean, in the first login dialog I am asked for user id and password.
What should I type here? The node I want manage and its node or admin password?

The second login dialog, the one that informs me about the expired password. Does it refer to the same password I typed in the first dialog or it refers to the famous admin password?

On tsm server type following command

update node Node_name New_password
update admin Node_name new_password

This will take care of issue
On tsm server type following command

update node Node_name New_password
update admin Node_name new_password

This will take care of issue


update admin Node_name new_password did the trick
