TSM Server Running (but cannot connect)


Jun 2, 2009
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We have an old version of TSM - 5.2.1. The Server1 service is running but I am unable to connect via http or even through the management console on the server. Can anyone recommend a good place to start looking on how I can get this thing running or at least diagnose the problem? I've been out of the TSM world for a while, even when I was in it I never did much except for the basics. Here are the errors I get in the dsmerror.log

06/02/2009 07:31:00 sessOpen: Failure in communications open call. rc: -50
06/02/2009 07:31:00 ANS1017E Session rejected: TCP/IP connection failure
06/02/2009 07:31:00 ANS8023E Unable to establish session with server.

There just seems to be no way to connect to this thing.

When I run in to this, I start the TSM Server instance in the foreground. It does mean stopping the TSM Server instance...but if no machine can contact it, it may not matter.

If you are comfortable stopping the TSM Server, I suggest the following:

1. Stop the TSM Server service
2. Open a DOS window and go to the TSM Server folder
3. type "dsmserv"

Depending on the size of the TSM DB and log, it can take a few minutes to start...and even appear to hang at one point.

You should get a good clue as it starts up as to what the problem is.
Check you are trying to connect to the correct port if using the command line. The server may have been configured to use a non-default admin port.
are you trying to access it from tsm servers local machine or from network?
Below is the explanation of the last error message. Follow the instructions
and you may be able to restart the server.

ANR0212E Unable to read disk definition file file specification .

Explanation: At startup, the server cannot read the indicated file in order
to obtain a list of disk volumes to mount.

System Action: Server initialization fails.

User Response: Use a text editor to recreate the file; it should contain one
line with the name of a single log or database volume. Then restart the
Thanks for the replies. I ran the dsmserv and can get more info on the problem. It's weird. It's like it is a new server with parts of the original. It keeps trying to open sessions with the clients and comes back with refused - node name not registered. When I ran a q log and q db I got the following:

q log
ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: QUERY LOG
Available Assigned Maximum Maximum Page Total Used Pct Max.
Space Capacity Extension Reduction Size Usable Pages Util Pct
(MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (bytes) Pages Util
--------- -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- -----
8 8 0 4 4,096 1,536 262 17.1 18.0
q db
ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: QUERY DB
Available Assigned Maximum Maximum Page Total Used Pct Max.
Space Capacity Extension Reduction Size Usable Pages Util Pct
(MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (bytes) Pages Util
--------- -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- -----
12 12 0 4 4,096 3,072 1,010 32.9 32.9

Doesn't look like it's seeing the right log file or it is now just a blank log file and database.
It seems the dsmserv.dsk file (which points to DB and Log volumes) is either gone, corrupt or in the wrong place.
I think you're right. When I run a q stgpool it's showing everthing at 0.0.

Storage Device Estimated Pct Pct High Low Next
Pool Name Class Name Capacity Util Migr Mig Mig Storage
(MB) Pct Pct Pool
----------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- ---- --- -----------
ARCHIVEPOOL DISK 0.0 0.0 0.0 90 70
BACKUPPOOL DISK 0.0 0.0 0.0 90 70
DISKPOOL DISK 0.0 0.0 0.0 90 70
SPACEMGPOOL DISK 0.0 0.0 0.0 90 70
I just got a bunch of these errors now:

ANR9999D logseg.c(663): ThreadId<21> Log space has been overcommitted (no empty
segment found) - base LSN = 3209791.0.0.
Callchain: 1050FFF9 outTextf()+1529
<- 102C0559 tsmInitializeServer()+2B8D39 <-
ANR7838S Server operation terminated.
ANR7837S Internal error LOGSEG871 detected.