TSM Cleaning Tape - Checkin and Schedule


Active Newcomer
Jan 24, 2006
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How do I checkin the cleaning tapes?

I want to automate the schedule to have the drive clean automatically, say once a week.
How can I do that? Where can I do it?
It's better to leave the cleaning of the drives to the library. What library are you using ?
Got the below information from IBM web site... Hope this helps

Check a cleaner cartridge into the library's volume inventory with the CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command.
For example:
checkin libvolume autolib1 cleanv status=cleaner cleanings=10 checklabel=no

The CLEANFREQUENCY parameter sets how often you want the drive cleaned. Refer to the DEFINE DRIVE and UPDATE DRIVE commands. Consult the manuals that accompany the drives for recommendations on cleaning frequency.

For example, to have DRIVE1 cleaned after 100 GB is processed on the drive, issue the following command:
update drive autolib1 drive1 cleanfrequency=100

Using the cleaning frequency recommended by the product documentation will not overclean the drives.
Consult the drive manufacturer's information for cleaning recommendations. If the information gives recommendations for cleaning frequency in terms of hours of use, convert to a gigabytes value by doing the following:
  1. Use the bytes-per-second rating for the drive to determine a gigabytes-per-hour value.
  2. Multiply the gigabytes-per-hour value by the recommended hours of use between cleanings.
  3. Use the result as the cleaning frequency value.
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IBM 3583 library Ultrium

Enable autoclean on the library and use the library front panel to import a cleaning tape into the "special" slots in the library. From what remember, it is NOT possible for these ports to be seen using tapeutil or TSM.
yes nottins you are right, IBM 3585 have special slots for cleaning tapes, the storage columns have 18 slots for data cartridges and have one spesific cleaning slot on each storage column. IBM says 3583 have 72 slots, its true but there is 3 more slots for cleaning media :)
Malaysian Tivoli Cleaning on 3583

The procedures listed in the other parts of the thread were for Tivoli to do the drive cleaning and what the frequency setting should be. On the 3583 there are cleaning slots that the library has above it's regular slots. These are the steps to import cleaning tapes into these slots and allowing the library do the drive cleaning when needed.

These tapes do not show up in Tivoli with a Q LIBV as they are not in regular slots, but are in library controlled slots. They can only be viewed from the library Op panel.

First off, remove the cleaning tape from the library. Do it by hand, or us the op panel. Whichever works better for your situation.

Second take TSM out of the picture for doing cleaning. Make sure you have no maintenace schedules that refer to doing cleaning.

Next, place the cleaning cartridge back in one of the I/O slots of the library. Use the op panel to instruct the library to store the cleaning tape. It will put it into the cleaning slot.

Op Panel

Command->I/O Station->Import Cleaning Tape/Cartridge

This will reset the counter on the number of times the tape has been used. BUt you can change it here if you want.

Instruct the Library to do its own automatic cleaning.

Op Panel
Follow the steps and toggle to "enable"

Autocleaning is the default mode, however, You cannot enable autocleaning if the I/O slots have been configured for storage.
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