Tapes don't return to scratch status after being cleared by expiration

Webexpertin, can you explain why you suggest this process - do you think there is a problem with the tape labels or something? Not that I don't believe you as I don't know anything about 3584's, just curious as to whether you've come across this before and know what the actual root of the problem is.

Mmmm, i think is there were a label problem, the volume should'nt been writen before...
but in our case, i2r said that the volme was reclaimed....??

'cause it's true that bad label volume are sometime checkined but when TSM try to write on it, has it could not find the interne label it pas the tape as Sratch
guyz, Thanx y'all 4 such attention!

i'll check the volhist file and will post reclamation actlog soon

webxpertin, i'll try the stepz you described, may be at the end of the week....
Yes BBB, I have faced in 3584 atl this kind of issues many times.
If the tapes were labeled properly to begin with (when they were purchased or first checked in with label libv), then if there is label problems after that it's the same as data integrity problems.

The only way this can happen that I'm aware of is if you have paths crossed, but that shouldn't be a big deal anymore with sandiscovery.

If you have internal labels that don't match the barcode label, but they once were OK, you have a bigger problem. What webxpertin said may fix it, but that's just a band aid. It seems quite odd to me to recommend overwriting the volume label to fix a status issue on the tape. I don't buy it. I would also like an explanation.

I wouldn't expect to have that problem. I've never seen it.