Restoring from COPYPOOL - DRM script attached


Nov 7, 2007
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below is our DRM scripts when we are restoring the database from onsite to DR site.

Currently we are only restoring DB backup to DR, but my manager wants to try restoring data of one specfic node of a client server to another standby client server located in DR from COPYPOOL.

1.What update or changes should i make....
2. How can i check in which COPY POOL does one specific node stored.


1. Restore server options, volume history, device configuration files
2. Initialize the log and database files
3. Restore the server database to latest version backed up per D volhist
4. Re-start the server
5. Register the Server Licenses
6. Tell the Server the copy storage pool volumes that are available for use
7. Mark destroyed copy storage pool volumes as unavailable
8. Mark primary storage pool volumes as ACCESS=DESTROYED
q occ <nodename> will show which storage pools the nodes data is on.

Do you use the DRM plan scripts ? It does most of the work for you.

If you try restoring a file to a DR client server and you've marked the primary storage pools as destroyed, TSM will ask you to mount the required TSM volume from the copy storage pool. As part of your DR test, you should really restore all your primary storage pools, which again the scripts can do for you.

Nottins, thank you so much.

So it means, I just need to mark the copy pool that were taken from onsite to offsite as READO, since from the script its marking the latest available copy pool taken from onsite to offisite as DESTROYED (Step 7)