Replace broken tape - help - ANR8455E


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Mar 3, 2003
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Hello Everyone!

A few weeks ago we were moving some tapes (for DR testing) and one was dropped. About a week ago this tape got stuck in a drive and was removed by hand. The leader pin on the tape was broken (I know these can be replaced but the decision NOT to replace it has been made). I did an inventory on the library last night and got this message:

Msg: ANR8455E Volume 000208 could not be located during audit of library LTO. Volume has been removed from the library inventory.


1) How can I check to see what was on the tape? I'm hoping it was Scratch.

2) Can I determine what command was used to remove the tape?

3) If data was on the tape, how can I restore the data to another tape?

BTW: We do copy our STGPOOL offsite if I need that information to recreate the tape.

Thank you all in advance.

I just wanted to add some info. The tape number is 000208 from library lto. When I do a:

q libvol lto 000208

I get:

ANR2034E QUERY LIBVOLUME: No match found using this criteria.

ANS8001I Return code 11.

This would lead me to believe that the tape is unknow to TSM. But it came out of the Lirary. How can this be? Which points me back to one of my original questions: What command was used to remove this tape from the library inventory.

"Query libvol" gives an overview of the tapes in the library that are assigned to TSM. No matches anymore because the library inventory removed the entry of 000208.

"Query Volume 000208" shows you to which storage-pool the tape is assigned. (if there ws data on it)

"Query content 000208" shows the files that are/were on the tape.

For a restore of the volume from your copypool,

"Update vol 000208 acc=destroyed" --> let TSM know that the volume is gone/broken.

"restore vol 000208 preview=yes wait=yes" will show you which offsite volumes are needed from the copypool for a restore and how much data of the primary tape can be restored.

Remove the preview part for a real restore.