PLEASE HELP ! Run out of scratch tapes !


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
I have a 1 drive autoloader, 6 slots. The daily scheduled backups are about 10 Gb, and TSM in about 3 months has run out of space, which i didn't expect. Now it is getting errors whenever it tries to do a backup (TDP SQL full) and i don't know how to get more space, since it cannot do a MOVE DATA without free tapes.

What can i do ???


Any help will be really appreciated
You probably want to do reclamation on the tapes, but this is not easily done with only one drive (why people ever buy libraries/autoloaders with only one drive?).

The easiest way to do this by using a reclamation storage pool, but this will reside on disk (I don't know if you have the storage for it).

Even better, buy a second drive.

Check if you have tapes which can be reclaimed with:

select volume_name,pct_reclaim from from volumes where pct_reclaim >= 40 and stgpool_name=<name of your storage pool>