Operations center and removed spoke server


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Mar 1, 2014
Reaction score
Removed a server from Operations center, server is gone but all clients and schedules are still around. Is there a way to cleanup without connecting server again and clean all from server directly?

Really like Operations center, almost full functionality nowadays. But this autorefresh is really nagging, with 250 clients it's almost impossible to work with clients without using a filter.

Seems like what's in my browser window affects the use of Command builder as well. I have to browse to a page without any autorefresh in the background, otherwise I often get an endless wait on command and have to cancel it. Is there a way to tweak refresh rate?

My reports aren't going well either as I have chosen All servers and my old spoke server is listed in there.
It's been more than 24 hours since spoke server was removed and all administrative schedules have run and reports as well. But now suddenly more and more is cleaned up, so I guess patience is the key here. Looks good at the moment, reports, schedules and clients are ok.