Need to query actlog from a specific time frame


Jul 30, 2007
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Brigham, UT
I need to run a query on a node between a certain date. I have ran the command Q actlog begindate=12/27/2007 enddate=12/27/2007 node="node" and I get an error that says "no match found". Return code 11.

What I need to find is how much data this specific node transferred on the 24th as opposed to the 27th and all in between. Our backups are running long and we need to figure out exactly when it started slowing down.

My server is Win 2003 server and my level of TSM is

Running a select on summary table will fetch you what you needed.
Something like,

select * from summary where entity='your_node_name' and (current_timestamp - start_time) <= 30 days and (current_timestamp - start_time) >= 20 days
It still returned the same error :S

I can't seem to run a report from more than 24 hours. How can I fix this?
Run Q STATUS and check for

Activity Log Retention:
Activity Sumary Retention Period:
Activity Log Retention is set to 2 days
Activity Summary Retention Period is set to 30 days
Is 2 days too short of retention for the activity log? What would it effect if I bumped it up to a month?
Is 2 days too short of retention for the activity log? What would it effect if I bumped it up to a month?

Two days is rather short if you're going to be able to see a decent historical timeframe. Mine's 45 days. You could raise it a little at a time to see the number of records being held.

Activity Log Retention: 45 Day(s)
Activity Log Number of Records: 521516

Anyone know how much space an actlog record is occupying?
Currently using:
Activity Log Retention: 21 Day(s)
Activity Summary Retention Period: 30 Day(s)
Activity log is stored in the TSM database. The more activity log, the bigger the database. If you have a very busy TSM server, you'll have more activity and thus will have to have a shorter activity retention than a TSM server will less activity.

I have mine set for 7 days.

Yeh activity log should be kept to a shorter time period - something like a week or two is good - as a LOT of stuff goes in there on big busy servers.

Activity summary is completely different, its the summary table and is reasonably small. Not so bad to keep this for 1-6 months. This is the one that would help you answer your question...