need to delete an incomplete SQL backup


Oct 12, 2010
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I am running TSM Server 6.3.4 and TDP for SQL 6.4.0 client.

I was running a full backup of a database that ended up erroring out. However TSM did not remove the already backed up portion of the database and left it orphaned.

This was running as a legacy backup.

I do not see the backup from the GUI, and do not see it when i query from the command line.

This is a very large backup around 37TB, and it failed around 30TB so it is using about 30 tapes, this is why it is noticeable. If i do a q content on one of the tapes i can see the information regarding the backup.

Any suggestions on how to remove this orphaned backup?
Here is what i had to do:

Since the sql backup was segmented over several tapes I had to find a volume that did have anything else on it except the full backup. Not hard i think 28 of the tapes only had this backup.

then i ran delete volume xxxxxxxx discarddata=yes

This deletes the volume and also removes the references to the file on the other volumes.

This hasn't fixed the problem i am having with getting a successful backup on this large database as the next back i ran errored out with a different message around the same place but i think it was a bad tape. I'll be posting another question about that later.