Looking for commonly used select statements


Nov 12, 2002
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Looking for web site of commonly used select statements to use with my TSM server. I am trying to do some investgating on my tape storage pools or variuos things. I was hoping that someone would have some helpfull things posted out somewhere.

Scott :confused:
I'm no SQL expert, but I've collected these:

* Which client nodes currently locked from server access?

select node_name from nodes where locked='YES'

*How to use string operators in select statement - TSM.

select * from actlog where message like 'ANR2565I%'

* Which administrative clients currently locked from server access?

select admin_name from admins where locked='YES'

* Which client nodes that has not specified the correct password lately?

select node_name from nodes where invalid_pw_count <>0

* Which administrative clients that has not specified the correct password lately?

select admin_name from admins where invalid_pw_count <>0

* Which nodes in the WINDOWS policy domain are not associated with the daily backup schedule STANDARD?

select node_name from nodes where domain_name='WINDOWS'and node_name-

not in (select node_name from associations -

where domain_name='WINDOWS'and schedule_name='STANDARD')

* Which administrators have policy authority?

select admin_name from admins -

where upper(system_priv)<>'NO'or upper(policy_priv)<>'NO'

* What messages of type E (ERROR) or W (WARNING) have been issued in the time period for which activity log records have been maintained?

select date_time,msgno,message from actlog where severity='E'or severity='W'

* Which administrative schedules have been defined or altered by administrator ADMIN ?

select schedule_name from admin_schedules where chg_admin='ADMIN'

* What are the relative administrative schedule priorities?

select schedule_name,priority from admin_schedules order by priority

* Which management classes have an archive copy group with a retention period greater than 365 days?

select domain_name,set_name,class_name -

from ar_copygroups where retver='NOLIMIT'or cast(retver as integer)>365

* Which management classes specify more than 5 backup versions?

select domain_name,set_name,class_name -

from bu_copygroups where verexists ='NOLIMIT'or cast(verexists as integer)>5

* Which client nodes are using the client option set named SECURE ?

select node_name from nodes where option_set='SECURE'

* How many client nodes are in each policy domain?

select domain_name,num_nodes from domains

* How many files have been archived from each node?

select node_name,count(*)from archives group by node_name

* Which clients are using space management?

select node_name from auditocc where spacemg_mb <>0

* If the reclamation threshold were to be changed to 50 percent for storage pool TAPE , how many volumes would be reclaimed?

select count(*)from volumes -

where stgpool_name='TAPE'and upper(status)='FULL'and pct_utilized <50

* If the DAILY management class in the STANDARD policy domain is changed or deleted, how many backup files would be affected for each node?

select node_name,count(*)as "Files"-

from backups where class_name='DAILY'and -

node_name in (select node_name from nodes where domain_name='STANDARD')-

group by node_name

* For all active client sessions, determine how long have they been connected and their effective throughput in bytes per second.

select session_id as "Session",-

client_name as "Client",state as "State",-

current_timestamp-start_time as "Elapsed Time",(-

cast(bytes_sent as decimal(18,0))/cast((current_timestamp-start_time)-

seconds as decimal(18,0)))as "Bytes sent/second",-

(cast(bytes_received as decimal(18,0))/cast((current_timestamp-start_time)-

seconds as decimal(18,0)))as "Bytes received/second"-

from sessions

* How long have the current background processes been running and what is their effective throughput in time and files per second?

select process_num as "Number",process,-

current_timestamp-start_time as "Elapsed Time",-

(cast(files_processed as decimal(18,0))/cast((current_timestamp-start_time)-

seconds as decimal(18,0)))as "Files/second",-

(cast(bytes_processed as decimal(18,0))/cast((current_timestamp-start_time)-

seconds as decimal(18,0)))as "Bytes/second"-

from processes

* How many client nodes are there for each platform type?

select platform_name,count(*)as "Number of Nodes" from nodes group by platform_name

* How many filespaces does each client node have, listed in default ascending order?

select node_name,count(*)as "number of filespaces"-

from filespaces group by node_name order by 2

* How to display all columns for all tables from syscat.columns without headers

select char(concat(concat(t.tabname,'.'),c.colname),35)as "TC",char -


,''),c.typename),10),char(c.length,5),c.remarks -

from syscat.columns as c,syscat.tables AS t -

where c.tabname =t.tabname order by tc

* How to examine which volumes are UNAVAILABLE

select VOLUME_NAME,ACCESS from volumes where access ='UNAVAILABLE'

* How to examine which volumes have more than three write errors

select VOLUME_NAME,WRITE_ERRORS from volumes where write_errors >3

* How to examine which volumes have read errors

select VOLUME_NAME,READ_ERRORS from volumes where read_errors >0

* How to examine which volumes have an error state different from No

select VOLUME_NAME,ERROR_STATE from volumes where error_state !='No'

* How to examine which volumes have access different from READWRITE

select VOLUME_NAME,ACCESS from volumes where access !='READWRITE'

* How to examine which volumes have less than ten percent utilization in device class beginning with the letters SUN

select volume_name,pct_utilized,status,access from volumes-

where pct_utilized <10 and devclass_name like 'SUN%'

* How to examine which volumes do not have an access beginning with the letters READ

select volume_name,pct_utilized,pct_reclaim,stgpool_name,-

status,access from volumes where access not like 'READ%'

* How to list the content of all volumes and display the filesize in MB, ordered by client node name, volume name and size

select node_name,-





from contents -

order by node_name,volume_name,mb

* How to find all clients which store their backup data in the DISKPOOL storage pool

select node_name as "CLIENT NODENAME",-

bu_copygroups.destination as "STGPOOL DESTINATION",-

nodes.domain_name as "CLIENT DOMAIN",-

bu_copygroups.domain_name as "COPYGROUP DOMAIN"-

from nodes,bu_copygroups where -

nodes.domain_name =bu_copygroups.domain_name and -

bu_copygroups.destination=upper('diskpool')and -


order by nodes.domain_name

* How to find all volumes which have data for a specified client, and their status

select volumeusage.volume_name,-



volumeusage.stgpool_name -

from volumeusage,volumes -

where volumeusage.node_name='ONE-ON-ONE'and-

volumeusage.volume_name=volumes.volume_name -

order by volume_name

* How to find all storage pools where a client (FRED) has stored data

select distinct(STGPOOL_NAME)from OCCUPANCY where node_name='FRED'

I hope this helps,


DCat the Bureaucrat

Your Personal Public Servant
Select statement help

Hi guys,

I am busy looking at file missed or skipped during backup. I have the select statement for that:
SELECT date_time,domainname, nodename, session, message FROM ACTLOG WHERE date_time >= '2009-09-16 12:00:39' AND (ORIGINATOR='CLIENT') AND (MSGNO not between 4991 and 4999) and (severity!='I') ORDER BY nodename,session

How do I join it to the nodes table so I can exclude Netware clients?

Any help would be awesome! :)

Thanks - I'll give it a go!
Got it!

Hi guys,

Thanks for your help.

I finally got a select statement to check for files missed or skipped during backup and filterable, by any node attribute:
SELECT date_time,nodename, session, message FROM ACTLOG WHERE date_time >= '2009-10-12 12:00:00' AND (ORIGINATOR='CLIENT') AND (MSGNO not between 4991 and 4999) and (severity!='I') and nodename not in (select node_name from nodes where platform_name='NetWare') ORDER BY nodename

has lot of info......very helpful , but i am looking for a query which could give me list of nodes which have been accessed more than an day, i can get this info from q node, which actually gives days since last access, but since i have lot nodes registered from different platforms, i need an sql query which shows the node name and the last it was accessed order by platform.can somebody help me...
Hi ijross,
thanks for replying but the need the sql output with total no of days since last access, like in query node we get the number days since last access. i was not able to find the column day's since last access but i can find this in query node.

Yeah, you'd need to do some math in Excel. I saw a select statement like that on Lascon, but cant find it at the monent
Working select statement for command line and operational reporting

From your tsm admin client command line.
select node_name,lastacc_time from nodes where lastacc_time<=current_timestamp-5 days

Paste into a new operational reporting section.
select -
node_name as "Node Name",-
lastacc_time as "Last Access Time" -
from nodes -
where lastacc_time <= current_timestamp-5 days
