Jukebox unavailable message


Aug 12, 2009
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I am very new to Networker and this morning when I ogged into the management console, I was not able to eject a tape I see the following message when trying to eject the tape through the management console.

Jukebox 'genjo' is unavailable. Temporarily made unavailable due to unexpected changes in the library.

How do you fix this problem? I have tried Google with out any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Check the physical library for the 'unexpected changes', especially open doors. From the Backup server the Jukebox reset command = "nsrjb -H"

If you get the jukebox unavailable message then try the following:

1. Verify that there are no HW errors on the TLU console
2. Check if nsrmmd, nsrlcpd are running or not.If the above service are running then stop all the networker services. Rename the netwprker tmp folder.
3. Power off the TLU.
4. Wait for a couple of minutes and then power on the TLU. Wait for some time and let the TLU initialize.
5. Start the networker services. Wait for the TLU to come ready.
6. run nsrjb -HEvv

This should eject all the tapes and the TLU would be good to go.

I know this sounds simple... but...

Check to see if the juke box license is still active... This has got me a few times..

Check all your hardware connections?

Also, look up the command 'inquire' it will tell you what libraries networker can see...

good luck...