Issues installing TSM TDP For SQL


Jun 25, 2013
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I've recently taken over the task of TSM admin at my place of work and I am spearheading the project to migrate us from our old TSM instance (5.5.2?) to a new server that we've had a vendor helping us. So far everything has gone smoothly and I've really enjoyed working on this. Today we started the venture of teaching me how to do TDPSQL and migrating some of our SQL servers to our new TSM environment.

In the process of this I've ran into an issue on two different servers. Both servers are Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 and have SQL Server 2008 R2 installed. I've installed TDP For SQL and am having issues getting it to work. When I launch "DP For SQL Management Console," it does not recognize my SQL installation. I've also noticed that the DP Management Console gets installed, but the actual TDPSQL program never installs. I've tried to install it manually, which worked, but still cannot get the Wizard to recognize my SQL installation.

So on two servers it did not work. I do have another server, also Server 2008 R2 x64 with SQL Server 2008 R2, and it worked perfectly. I am trying to find differences but so far do not see any.

Any/all help would be much appreciated.
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I think this might actually be related to both of the affected servers having SQL Express, and not the full version. If that's the case, does support Express? Or is there a version that does?
SQL express is not supported, is not a real DB MS. You need to dump DB to file and backup using the BA client.