How to backup os and applications by using TSM

I would not use TSM alone to backup the OS. Unless there is a new feature in TSM version 5.1 that I am not aware of.

To backup AIX operating system I would do a mksysb or a savevg or use a product called Sysback. This way I can make bootable media. I do not recall TSM having this feature.

Operating system always have files that are open. When you backup an open file with TSM. You are doing what is known in the TSM world a fuzzy copy.

A fuzzy copy is a copy of the file with some changes but not all the changes saved.

When the file is restored the application may or may not work depending on the file(s) application.

Some Windows os files are lock and TSM can not backup the file. You can force TSM to backup the file but the Windows os will not allow this to happen.

Not all applications need to be backed up. Like Netscape, that can be installed from a CD or downloaded from the Net.

Adobe reader, does this need to be backed up? I can always download this from the net or install it from a CD.

These application would be taking up valuable storage space. If your willing to help your company to save money on tapes, need to see what application(s) do not need to be backed up. If not, then buy a lot of tapes .

Since you want to backup the application. Need to keep in mind. There is a good chance that you may have a fuzzy copy. The application may or may not crash once the application is restored. If the application crash, then a reinstallation of the application so that the file(s) will have all the proper data.

Don't get me wrong, TSM is great at backing up data files but not operating system or application. There are other products that may do what you want. I think Veritas may have what you are looking for but I think its only for Windows. Check out the Veritas site, they may added more operating system by now.

Don't need to take my word.

Get a test box. From the TSM client issue (for Windows) dsmc -inr -subdir=y c:\

for Unix issue dsmc -incr -subdir=y \...\*.* this will backup everything on the system.

Once the backup is completed.

The do a restore.

Since this is a test. You can take it a step further. Wipe the disk and then do the restore.

TSM Client For Windows, dsmc -restore -subdir=y c:\

HINT: The TSM Client have to be installed to be able to issue the restore command. :-o

I am not 100% sure this this syntax is correct for Unix, dsmc -restore -subdir=y \...\*.*

Look at the TSM Client Manual for Unix for the proper syntax.

If the os or application can not start you got a fuzzy copy. :-o

Good luck,

Sias :grin:

Use our program.

You can download a 30-days trial from

Then you can do a total BMR of the OS together with TSM.

Try that. If you need any help

Send me a email.

We only support OS/2 and Windows today.

But in Q1 or Q2 of this year we also going to support.




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