How to avoid backup of the restoration of inactive files?


Jul 3, 2003
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I have done some major restore of some inactive files, approximately 20G. The current scheudle will backup those files again after the restore. Is there a way to avoid the backup of those file? There still inactive copy of those files on tape and to backup those file up seems extremely waste of time. Any idea how to avoid this happen?


Are you restoring these files to their original location? If not, you can restore them to a "restore" directory, say something like /opt/restore, and then just exclude.dir the /opt/restore directory.

Drew, I have to restore that to the original directory. I can do a incremental by date option when I do the backup. However, the copy in the tape is still inactive. Is there a way to change the status of the file from inactive to active manually?
that's a good one...

i know that there exist a

"Expire data" comand, but an "unexpire"....?? :confused:
I'm sorry Gorally, I misunderstood you.

I don't know a way to manually change the state of a file from inactive to active but...........

Once the restore completes, wouldn't the state automatically be changed to active the next time a bckup runs?

If you restore the file, and the restored file has the exact same date, size location etc... as the latest inactive file, I would think that the latest inactive file would automatically be changed to active and that the file wouldn't be backed up again.

I have never actually tried this before, I am only going by an educated guess with past expreiences with TSM. I am not sure about it.

The alternative would be that the file would be backed up again, even though an exact duplicate of the file is already inactive in the database.

Gorally, I'm just not sure either way. PLEASE keep us posted as to what will happen!

Unfortunately the file doesn't change to active after the restore. It only becomes active when you backup again. I have no other choice but backup those files again...took about 4 hours which is not that bad. However, you could imagine wrose if you have something like a 100G.

Anyway, thanks for your help.