Export node and retention sets


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Beograd, Serbia

If I export node to another server, with all its data, will it export its retention sets, previously made?


...will it export its retention sets...

Are you referring to the backup and archive retention that are set in the domain (q domain)?


Are you referning to the version exist, version deleted, retain extra and retain only within the
backup copy group (q co f=d), and retain version for the archive copy group (q co t=a f=d)?

Good Luck,
Nope. Retention sets are (somewhat) new functionality on ISP, where you may "snapshot" active backups of a node, on the ISP server, to be kept longer than it should be according to a policy:

It is kinda like good old backupsets, but different.
Thank you for the link.
It appears that the retention set is configured via the Operations Center.

From reviewing the link ....

The backup data objects in a retention set are tracked in the server inventory...

The retention is being tracked via the SP Server.
When we export a node data, that is all that we are exporting the data for the node.
When we import the node into the target SP Server, the target domain need to have the same retention settings as the source domain on the source SP Server.

From the manual regarding export node .
The following information is included in each client node definition:
  • User ID, password, and contact information.
  • Name of the client's assigned policy domain.
  • File compression status.
  • Whether the user has the authority to delete backed-up or archived files from server storage.
  • Whether the client node ID is locked from server access.
Optionally, you can also export the following items:
  • File space definitions.
  • Backed-up, archived, and files that were migrated by a Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management client.
  • Access authorization information that pertains to the file spaces exported.
  • Archive data that is in deletion hold status (the hold status is preserved). When the archive data is imported, it remains in deletion hold.

As for data retention, the target SP server need to have the same retention settings as the source SP Server.

Good Luck,
I ran some tests, and as far as I can see, retention sets are not exported along with node data.
You make retention sets on top of already backuped data by retention rule. It usually goes as a retention set for one node.
Retention sets have retention settings, so you can't have settings without sets (like you may have in policies - settings are there even without nodes and data)
I will post my findings after more tests, and probably after consultations with IBM.