Connection string to DSN with TSM ODBC Driver


Apr 20, 2006
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as a project on my job, I was asked to design an ASP.NET interface that shows tape information sorted by storage pool. I have, to say, no knowledge about TSM as I only need to be able to retrieve and show the data.

Now, I installed the TSM ODBC drivers on my windows xp machine where I develop, but I just can't seem to be able to connect to the TSM servers.

Here's what I did:

-> Created a new DSN with the TSM ODBC drivers, and when I try to connect with f.e. an Access database where I make a coupling between the Access database, and the volumes table from the DSN, then I can see the data in the Access database

-> In my code, when I use a straight ODBCconnection to the DSN, my application keeps returning me the error:

"Data source name not found and no default driver specified"

my connectionstring looks like this:

connString = "DSN=Servername;UID=operator;PWD=xxxxx"

so I guess the application needs a driver specified, but I don't know the exact drivername is called

(tried : connString = "DRIVER={TSM ODBC DRIVER}; DSN=SVBRS001; UID=operator; PWD=rotarepo" but didn't seem to work either)

-> As workaround, I tried to acces the linked Access database, and when I try this in a casual VB.NET (winform) application, this gives me no problems.

However, when I use the exact same code and connectionstring on my ASP.NET application, then it returns me the error:

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: ODBC--connection to 'Servername' failed

Is there anyone that could help me getting this one to work?

Thanks in advance
In VBA i do:

qPT.Connect = "ODBC;DSN=" & [Server] & ";UID=" & [Name] & ";PWD=" & [Password] & ";FETCHSIZE=5000;LANGUAGE=us_english;"

Where [Server] is the name i give to the DSN.

