Ba client - scripting installation on SUSE 11


Jan 23, 2012
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I'm automating some server builds inSUSE 11 using the yast features, and have got stuck with dsmc. I can get the rpms on all right, and I have dsmc sched potentially starting up with an /etc/init.d script, but the first time setup to register with the server is eluding me, but I am pretty much a beginner at shell scripts.
If I try and redirect host name, password etc to the client by a text file eg
dsmc < /tmp/responsefile
then I get "ANS2050E TSM needs to prompt for the password but cannot prompt because the process is running in the background."
Are there other approaches or an option I need. I really badly want to automate this process becaus we have a great many server builds coming up over the next few months.

regards, Jim C
My guess is you are running your server with "registration" set to OPEN, and creating nodes by connecting them to the server from the newly spawned node?

What I would do:
1- Automate the registration of the nodes from an existing server with admin credentials ex.:
You have a text files with all the nodes named "nodes.txt"
#> while read nodename; do `dsmadmc -id=dsmadmc -pass=dsmadmc 'register node ${nodename} NEW_PASSWORD'`;done <nodes.txt

Then, on each node, mount an NFS share with dsm.sys and dmp.opt templates, then replace the values with the correct ones, cretae startup script and start the service. ex.:

#local ip
IP=`ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/addr://'`

# copy templates to local client
cp ./dsm.sys /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
cp ./dsm.opt /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt

# change ip in templates
sed -i s/$IP/g /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
sed -i s/nomdenode/$HOSTNAME/g /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys

#copy startup script
cp ./TSM.startup /etc/init.d/
My guess is you are running your server with "registration" set to OPEN, and creating nodes by connecting them to the server from the newly spawned node?
Yep, I believe so...

What I would do:
1- Automate the registration of the nodes from an existing server with admin credentials ex.:
etc [snipped]

OK, thanks... I'm happy with where I am on the config files at the moment, I'm using wget rather than nfs, but it all comes to the same thing, but that's a very interesting thought about running registration on the server which I didn't even know was possible (knowledge of tivoli !good !). Without losing the model I want of one stop at the server being installed, I wonder if I can rsh onto the central server and do the registration? If not then I'll go for your model...

Many thanks, Jim C