audit library


Mar 7, 2003
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i am a new user of Tivoli and i need help!

we have an automated library with 15 slots we have checked in 13 tapes in the library

when i perform a "q libvol" it only shows 10 tapes? So i audited the library which gave me the same result?

Where are my 3 other tapes??

i physically check the tapes were in the library before i started.

To compound my problem we decided to re-use tapes after we reach a certain number.

All tapes are marked as private.
You may want to look at the volume history, q volhist.

The tape may have been use to backup the TSM database or export data.

When the tapes were checked into the library, were they checked in as private or scratch?

You can check in a blank tape as private or scratch.

When you check a blank tape in as scratch, when TSM store data on the tape the status will change to private. When the data have expired TSM will then change the status back to scratch.

If the blank tape were check in as private, TSM will not change the status like as if the tape was checked in with the status of scratch. Only TSM will know which private tapes do contain data and which do not contain data.

You can change the status of a tape from private to scratch with the update libv command. You would not have to checkout and checkin the tapes to update the status. If there is data on the tape, TSM will not allow you to change the status from private to scratch.

If you issue q vol on the missing volume what information do you get?

Sorry for the novel. :-o

Thanks for the info.

used the checkin command specifying to search the library and as if by magic they appeared!!
