ACD5704E Error on Notes TDP Restore



Hi all,

Two months ago, our Notes administrator decided that it would be a good time to upgrade our Domino server to version 7. So they went ahead with out my knowledge and whilts I was on holiday (Yes, I'm complaining here because they all seem to think its my fault). Effectively, they did the install, but the changed the location of where the notes.ini file sits.

So, on checking the backups backups, they backups have all failed. I have now changed the TDP client so the location of the notes.ini is corrected and backups are now working, but I have now been asked to do a restore of a database using point in time just before the upgrade was done and I am getting the above error message whilst activating the database.

On checking the backup logs themselves, the log file which it's trying to locate has been backed up, but each time I try to apply logs, I get:

ACD5704E The requested transaction log file archive was not found:

Destination: D:\log\S0010286.TXN
Logger Id: OF48256F4B:0006836E-ON0000031C:E1C97E4A
Log Number: 10286

Now since that last backup and the transaction log, the database ID hadn't changed so I should be able to restore of the database and apply logs, but I think that because of the change of location of the notes.ini, its all gone wrong.

The log directory hasn't changed so the notes.ini file still has the same location for the transaction logs, but I still can't do a restore.

Can please anyone help as the managers think that the restore should be possible as the database ID hasn't changed and there is a backup of the transaction log.

Been there done that (I love domino admins ;) ).

domdsmc atcivatedb , but do not use applylogs.

Good luck.

/regards Daniel