Which is the cause of the message "data unavailable on server"?


Sep 28, 2015
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I'm doing my virtual backups using the dsmc command.
I'm driving different retention periods for different types of virtual.
One day, I received a lot of messages "ANS4174E Full VM backup of VMware Virtual Machine 'xxxx' failed with RC = 14 mode = Incremental Forever - Incremental"
After seeing the suggested actions (where it is assumed that I had, for some unknown reason, failure mechanism cbt, by vmware), I decided to make a full incremental below the last.
After that, in certain virtual, I could continue to make incremental backups, but in other, higher retention, I keep getting the message.
The full backup was done correctly, and I can verify, with dsmc query.
I am using (my environment is linux), these variables in dsm.sys:

VMMC RMVMCFG_MC * 14 days of retention
include.vm myvm RMVMDAT_MC * 60 days of retention

Precisely, making backup "myvm" which has extended retention, it is where it fails.
Activate the trace during the backup, and receive these messages:

07/21/2016 22:06:20.168 [017781] [781960960] : vmbackcommon.cpp ( 612): VmGetCTLDataIf(): Processing files /tmp/tsmvmbackup/fullvm/CDF_Local/casandra/Hard Disk 1/JOB000182001/MBLK00c5.CTL (2)
07/21/2016 22:06:20.168 [017781] [781960960] : vmbackvddk.cpp (7809): =========> Entering VmRestoreFile()
07/21/2016 22:06:20.168 [017781] [781960960] : vmAPISendData.cpp (2393): =========> Entering vmAPISendData::initGetData()
07/21/2016 22:06:20.168 [017781] [781960960] : sesscntl.cpp (6095): ---------> Entering AsNodeCheck()
07/21/2016 22:06:20.168 [017781] [781960960] : sesscntl.cpp (6223): <--------- Exiting AsNodeCheck()
07/21/2016 22:06:20.188 [017781] [781960960] : vmAPISendData.cpp (2442): =========> vmAPISendData::initGetData(): Exiting, rc = 0
07/21/2016 22:06:20.188 [017781] [781960960] : vmAPISendData.cpp (2637): =========> Entering vmAPISendData::getData()
07/21/2016 22:06:20.200 [017781] [781960960] : vmAPISendData.cpp (2672): vmAPISendData::getData(): error in dsmGetData. rcMsg=ANS1314E (RC14) File data currently unavailable on server
07/21/2016 22:06:20.200 [017781] [781960960] : vmbackvddk.cpp (7847): VmRestoreFile(): getData failed rc=14
07/21/2016 22:06:20.200 [017781] [781960960] : vmAPISendData.cpp (2582): =========> Entering vmAPISendData::termGetData()
07/21/2016 22:06:20.200 [017781] [781960960] : vmAPISendData.cpp (2619): vmAPISendData::termGetData(): Finished receive, totalLFBytesRecv 0 0

Any ideas?

jorge infante
My local support give the solution:
He do a "q actlog", see a error message with a .bfs file, repair it, and, my backups are working ok, again!
You got it - as part of incremental vmware backups, a small amount of control information must be restored from the server before the backup can start. If this data is unavailable for one reason or another (in this case some server-side problem), then the data can't be restored, and the backup can't complete.