TSM Client Silent Install script


Active Newcomer
Jun 17, 2008
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Someone may have already posted something like this but I couldn't find it with a quick search, so here's mine.

This script stops running schedulers, installs tsm and auto registers with the server. It then associates the client node with a random schedule. It has been tested to work with the 5.5 client.

net stop "TSM Client Acceptor"
net stop "TSM Client Daemon"
net stop "TSM Client Acceptor Daemon"
net stop "TSM Client Scheduler"
net stop "TSM Scheduler"
net use x: /delete
net use x: "\\xxxx.com\systemdata\Server Setup\TSM Client - X32"
Start /wait msiexec /i "x:\IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client.msi" RebootYesNo="No" REBOOT="Suppress" ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\tivoli\tsm" ADDLOCAL="BackupArchiveGUI,BackupArchiveWeb,ApiRuntime,AdministrativeCmd" TRANSFORMS=1033.mst /qn /l*v "c:\client_log.txt"
Copy x:\dsm.opt "c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\" /y
cd "\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient"
dsmcutil remove /name:"TSM Client Acceptor"
dsmcutil remove /name:"TSM Client Daemon"
dsmcutil remove /name:"TSM Client Acceptor Daemon"
dsmcutil remove /name:"TSM Client Scheduler"
dsmcutil remove /name:"TSM Scheduler"
dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxx register node %computername% %computername%
dsmcutil inst scheduler /name:"TSM Client Scheduler" /node:%computername% /clientdir:"c:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient" /optfile:"c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt" /password:%computername% /validate:yes /autostart:yes /startnow:yes
set /a schednum=%random%
set /a schednum=schednum * 6/32768
IF %schednum%==0 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_EARLY_AFTERNOON %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==1 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_EARLY_EVENING %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==2 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_LATE_AFTERNOON %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==3 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_LATE_EVENING %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==4 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_LATE_NIGHT %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==5 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_NIGHT %computername% & goto :endif

goto :endif

The client uses the local hostname as the node name and that works for me so I don't set that anywhere, except when I'm dealing with TDP's.
First, Keteran I thank you for this very useful script!

Secondly, I would like you explain to me this part:

set /a schednum=%random%
set /a schednum=schednum * 6/32768
IF %schednum%==0 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_EARLY_AFTERNOON %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==1 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_EARLY_EVENING %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==2 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_LATE_AFTERNOON %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==3 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_LATE_EVENING %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==4 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_LATE_NIGHT %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==5 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_NIGHT %computername% & goto :endif

goto :endif


I understand this is to associate TSM Client with a schedule but I don't understand how it works : %schednum% etc....
The client uses the local hostname as the node name and that works for me so I don't set that anywhere, except when I'm dealing with TDP's.

How does this eliminate editing the dsm.opt file?

I too am using the computername for the registration process but the client configuration still requires dsm.opt configuration.
First, Keteran I thank you for this very useful script!

Secondly, I would like you explain to me this part:

set /a schednum=%random%
set /a schednum=schednum * 6/32768
IF %schednum%==0 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_EARLY_AFTERNOON %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==1 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_EARLY_EVENING %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==2 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_LATE_AFTERNOON %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==3 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_LATE_EVENING %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==4 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_LATE_NIGHT %computername% & goto :endif

IF %schednum%==5 dsmadmc -id=xxxxxxxx -password=xxxxxxxx define assoc STANDARD WIN_NIGHT %computername% & goto :endif

goto :endif


I understand this is to associate TSM Client with a schedule but I don't understand how it works : %schednum% etc....

He is setting a variable to a random number then trying to get it to be between 0 and 5. Then assigning that as the schedule number.
How does this eliminate editing the dsm.opt file?

I too am using the computername for the registration process but the client configuration still requires dsm.opt configuration.

I copy a dsm.opt file that I use across most of my windows servers during the install process

Copy x:\dsm.opt "c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\" /y

Since the client by default uses the computername as the nodename, you dont actually have to add the NODENAME value to the dsm.opt file.