Re: [ADSM-L] Why the wait time on this export?

2008-04-02 08:43:48
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Why the wait time on this export?
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 08:42:15 -0400
On Apr 1, 2008, at 5:19 PM, Evans, Bill wrote:
This Export finally completed, however, I can't figure why it was
waiting so long for a volume.
(Waiting for input volume(s): B00580L3,(58779 Seconds)) ...

It was waiting for some process or session which had that sequential
tape volume actively in use or committed to it, but 16.3 hours is a
very long time.  Your best bet for an answer may be to inspect the
Activity Log for when the waiting ended, and see what session or
process activity was logged just before that.  I would also look for
log entries for that volume preceding the 16 hour wait, which may
provide some understanding.  It's conceivable that a volume might be
tied up because of file spanning onto a volume which is more
obviously in use, but still...

In the abstract:  If an Export is going to use recently written
volumes, it is healthy to perform Backup Stgpool and like
housekeeping operations ahead of time, to reduce the possibility that
some other process will later start and require such volumes for its
work.  Filespace exportation is grueling and may not be restartable,
so it's best to try to minimize complications and possible intrusions.

   Richard Sims