Re: TSM DB restore

2005-01-28 12:22:05
Subject: Re: TSM DB restore
From: Lawrence Clark <Larry_Clark AT THRUWAY.STATE.NY DOT US>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 12:22:54 -0500
Thank you. That explanation was very concise, accurrate, and helpful.
Once I put the dsmserv.opt and other config files in the correct place,
restore began........1st one running now.


>>> mark.stapleton AT BERBEE DOT COM 01/28/2005 10:56:42 AM >>>
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU] On
Behalf Of Lawrence Clark
>We have set up a backup TSM server for DR purposes.
>TSM has been installed to the same level and a database
>created of a size larger than the production TSM database, all
>DB volumes are formatted.
>On the production  side, the database is backed up to disk.
>This is then copied over to a 2nd AIX the backup
>TSM server.
>Looking in the manual, it appears the database restore assumes
>the files will be on a cartridge.
>- should the server be down to restore the database?
>- what is the format of the command in an AIX environment to
>restore the db if the files are under /var/tsmdbbk/morning as so:
>-rw-------   1 root     sys      9663676416 Jan 28 04:08 06902830.dbb
>-rw-------   1 root     sys      2981181842 Jan 28 04:11 06903334.dbb

Yes, the server must be down, and no, the backup(s) don't have to be
a cartridge.

Assuming that there are intact and update volume history and device
configuration files, the command is basically

  dsmserv restore db todate=today source=dbbackup

If the volume history file is not present, the commands would be

  dsmserv restore db devc=<file_device_class>

followed by

  dsmserv restore db devc=<file_device_class>
    vol=/var/tsmdbbk/morning/06903334.dbb commit=yes

(All commands assume that you have a device configuration file
and in the directory that your dsmserv.opt file points at.) The
<file_device_class> is the same devclass that you use to run the db
backups. Don't forget the commit flag for the last volume. If you
put that in, you'll get to do the entire restore again.

Mark Stapleton (stapleton AT berbee DOT com)
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627

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