unix sparse file backup?

2005-01-25 11:53:25
Subject: unix sparse file backup?
From: Alexander Lazarevich <alazarev AT ITG.UIUC DOT EDU>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 10:53:12 -0600
TSM on windows 2K server.

We have a new Fedora Core 3 64-bit client, which has a /var/log/lastlog
sparse file on it, which is 1.2TB, yet only 112K in real blocks used. TSM
is trying to backup the entire 1.2TB file, which is causing some backup

I've never had this issue before so I looked up sparse files in the UNIX
users guide, and it says sparse files can be "restored" or "retrieved"
with or without the block holes in it using the makesparsefile option in
dsm.opt. However, it does not say if this applys to the backup.

I looked on my another unix client, and it's /var/log/lastlog is 19MB but
only 276 in actual blocks, yet TSM backed it up as 19MB. So it seems that
TSM must backup sparse files WITH the empty data holes in it, and only has
the option to restore without the holes.

Is this correct?

On the other hand, anyone else have a FC3, and seen huge TB sized lastlog
files? That seems way out of hand.

Thanks in advance,

-----                                                            -----
  Alex Lazarevich | Systems Administrator | Imaging Technology Group
    Beckman Institute | University of Illinois |
               405 North Mathews Avenue Urbana IL 61801
           Ph: (217) 244-1565 | Email: alazarev AT itg.uiuc DOT edu
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