Re: shared 3590

2001-01-30 12:46:04
Subject: Re: shared 3590
From: William Boyer <wboyer AT PTD DOT NET>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 12:47:23 -0500
If your tape management system is DFSMSrmm, insertion of tapes happens
differently than CA-1 or CA-TLMS. If the tape isn't defined to the RMM
control dataset (CDS), then RMM adds it to his CDS using the default
insertion catagory (private/scratch) defined for that library. So, to
prevent RMM from adding these tapes, include a REJECT ANYUSE() directive in
the EDGRMMxx startup parmlib member. We have our Magstar tapes labeled with
'M' for mainframe and 'R' for our RS/6000 TSM server(s).

You should also make sure that your checkin command uses the volrange=
keyword. If you for some reason have mainframe tapes that have been inserted
into the library, but haven't been accepted by a 'host', they would be
checked in to TSM and used as scratch, possibly overlaying the existing (if
any) mainframe data. I have created a server script that does the checkin
command and I have this scheduled to run daily.

Bill Boyer
DSS, Inc.

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