Re: Can you Restore from a Backupset on tape - Netware Client

2000-01-14 11:00:19
Subject: Re: Can you Restore from a Backupset on tape - Netware Client
From: arhoads <arhoads AT PACBELL DOT NET>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 08:00:19 -0800

You can only restore from tape if the tape was written by the same
platform: UNIX machines can read a TSM tape from another (TSM) UNIX box,

To make a backupset usable by an NT client when the server is UNIX you
have to copy the backupset to disk and then move it to media that the NT
box can handle.  This should include tape on NT but I don't think that
they (Tivoli) have given us a means of moving a backupset from UNIX
(mountable media) and converting it to NT tape (which would at this
point probably require another TSM server on NT).

The TSM pitches for this feature have all used CD-R media to restore the
client.  Not withstanding that TSM servers don't come with CD-R



Greg Downes wrote:
> All
> In TSM can you use a backupset wriiten to on tape (namely DLT400) to do a
> restore on a Netware client (or any client for that matter apart from Unix).
> All the doco indicates that the backupset must reside on a device which can be
> mounted as a volume and the file treated as a filespec.
> I've run a test with an NT client and it definitely needs the backup set on a
> device which can be mapped to in explorer  (ie floppy , zip drive , Jaz, 
> DVD). All of which are pretty much next to useless to us and I would have
> thought for most other people.
> Greg